to scrounge: to obtain things, especially money or food, by asking for them instead of buying them or working for them to ostracise s.o.: to avoid someone intentionally or to prevent them from taking part in the activities of a group pre-eminent: more important or better than others gregarious: (of people) liking to be with other people, or (especially of animals) living in groups haphazard: not having an obvious order or plan fastidious: giving too much attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect diatribe: an angry speech or piece of writing which severely criticizes something or someone repartee: quick and usually amusing answers and remarks in conversation ribald (old-fashioned): describes language that refers to sex in a rude but humorous way shrewd: possessing or based on a clear understanding and good judgment of a situation, resulting in an advantage to pillory s.o.: to severely criticize someone, especially in a public way lambast: to criticize someone or something severely tryst: a meeting between two lovers, especially a secret one footloose: free to do what you like and go where you like because you have no responsibilities malleable: describes a substance that is easily changed into a new shape, or easily influenced, trained or controlled glib: speaking or spoken in a confident and persuasive way but without honesty or careful consideration the gloaming (Scottish / literary English): the part of the day after the sun has gone down and before the sky is completely dark verisimilitude: the quality of seeming true or of having the appearance of reality to piddle (old-fashioned informal): to urinate to harangue: to speak to someone or a group of people, often for a long time, in a forceful and sometimes angry way, especially to persuade them protuberant: sticking out from a surface snigger: to laugh at someone or something childishly and often unkindly to betroth: to cause someone to promise formally to marry someone voracious: very eager for something, especially a lot of food